God’s gentle reminder of his providence on a bad day

I’m really tired today (when I wrote this a few weeks ago not when it was published) and also depressed. Not a great combination with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as they make each other worse… I find it really hard when I’m like this. Well meaning people remind me that this would have been a good day when I was more ill. This may be true but it is hard psychologically to be in a worse place even if it is not relatively bad. What is particularly difficult is that I used to use exercise to deal with stress and depression but now this isn’t really an option. However the reality is the only way to deal with difficulties is through coming to God as we are; as Matthew 11:28 says: ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’

Something that helps me on bad days is to remember the good that God has done through previous bad days. As Romans 8:28 says: ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’ One example is that a lot of the posts for this blog come out of my bad days and it is such a huge blessing to me to see what I have been through helping and encouraging others. In fact just as I was writing this I got a notification of a comment on twitter telling me just that. This lifted me as it reminded me that even when I feel rubbish God hasn’t left me and hasn’t forsaken me (Deuteronomy 31:6). In fact he is closer than a brother to me (Proverbs 18:24) even when I don’t feel him. He also deeply cares about my bad days (1 Peter 5:7) and walks through them with me (2 Corinthians 6:16). He also has plans for my life and for yours (Jeremiah 29:11) and these will be accomplished regardless of (or often by) difficult days. The comment has given me a boost and helped me turn my attention from how I’m feeling to him and to thank him that he is with me and he loves me.

A poem I find really helpful on this topic is called Footprints in The Sand by Mary Stevenson:


So my prayer for you today is that God would help lift your eyes from your circumstances, whether good or bad, to him and his goodness and love for you. I’m so very glad that God is the solid rock on which we stand (Psalm 18:2). For some ideas of  verses to turn to when things are tough see my post: A Bad Day…Verses God Encouraged Me With.


3 thoughts on “God’s gentle reminder of his providence on a bad day

  1. Really sorry Lucy that you are having a bad day. Well done for finding enough energy to post the above. We look forward to meeting up with you on Sept 1st and hope in the meantime that better days soon return.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Indeed! Sometimes, when you feel like losing everything or if you lost your hope then your faith towards God might help you out.


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